An Encylopedia Britannica Company

January 20, 2021 Word of the Day

nibble /ˈnɪbəl/ verb

nibbles; nibbled; nibbling

The girl is nibbling on a cracker.
The girl is nibbling on a cracker.
Definition of NIBBLE

1 : to eat slowly or with small bites

[+ object]

  • We nibbled cheese and crackers.

[no object]

  • We nibbled on some cheese and crackers before dinner.

— often + at

  • She felt a fish nibble at the end of her fishing line.

  • Insects nibbled at the tree's leaves.

— sometimes used figuratively

  • He nibbled at the idea of changing careers [=he thought briefly about changing careers], but decided against it in the end.

2 [+ object] : to bite (something) very gently

  • He nibbled her ear.

nibble (away) at [phrasal verb]

nibble (away) at (something)

: to make (something) disappear or go away very slowly

  • Police have been nibbling (away) at crime in the city for years. [=police have been very slowly reducing the amount of crime in the city]

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