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July 20, 2020 Word of the Day

impractical /ɪmˈpræktɪkəl/ adjective

more impractical; most impractical

Her shoes are very stylish but completely impractical.
Her shoes are very stylish but completely impractical.
Definition of IMPRACTICAL

: not practical: such as

a : not easy to do or use : not suitable for the situation

  • Little sports cars are impractical for large families.

  • an attractive but completely impractical pair of shoes [=shoes that look nice but are not comfortable for walking]

  • an impractical plan/solution

b of a person : not sensible : not able to deal with practical matters effectively

  • He was a dreamy and impractical young man.

impracticality /ɪmˌpræktɪˈkæləti/ noun, plural impracticalities


  • They adopted the plan despite all its impracticalities.


  • the impracticality of the plan

impractically /ɪmˈpræktɪkli/ adverb

  • an impractically large book

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