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Glasses, Goggles, Sunglasses, and Shades

What is the difference between glasses, goggles, sunglasses, and shades? — Hasini, India

Glasses or eyeglasses are used to help a person see better. They are usually made of a metal or plastic frame and two lenses that improve vision.

Goggles are used to protect the eyes from dust, debris, water, or other things that can harm the eyes. Goggles usually have a rubber or plastic frame with a strap that fastens around the back of the head, and often plastic lenses, and they fit closely to the face creating a seal so nothing can get in the eyes. Some kinds of goggles are swimming goggles, safety goggles, and ski goggles.

Sunglasses are used to shade the eyes from sunlight. They are usually made of a plastic or metal frame and two lenses that are darkened to filter out light. Sunglasses can have prescription lenses like eyeglasses, but they can also have lenses that are not for correcting vision.

Shades is an informal word for sunglasses.


I hope this helps.

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