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1 wink /ˈwɪŋk/ noun
plural winks
1 wink
plural winks
Britannica Dictionary definition of WINK
: an act of closing and opening one eye very quickly often as a way of giving a secret signal or private message to someone
informal : a very short amount of time
see also forty winks

tip (someone) the wink

see 6tip
2 wink /ˈwɪŋk/ verb
winks; winked; winking
2 wink
winks; winked; winking
Britannica Dictionary definition of WINK
: to close and open one eye quickly as a signal to someone often + at
[no object]
[+ object]
[no object] : to close and open your eyes quickly : blink
[no object]
: to shine in an unsteady way : twinkle
: to shine with a light that goes on and off : blink

wink at

[phrasal verb]
wink at (someone or something)
: to pretend that you have not seen or noticed (something) : ignore
see also 2wink 1 (above)