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1 smash /ˈsmæʃ/ verb
smashes; smashed; smashing
1 smash
smashes; smashed; smashing
Britannica Dictionary definition of SMASH
: to break (something) into many pieces : to shatter or destroy (something)
[+ object]
[no object]
: to hit (something) violently and very hard
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to hit (a ball) downward and very hard in tennis and other games
[+ object] : to destroy or beat (someone or something) easily or completely
[+ object] : to crash (a vehicle) often + up in U.S. English

smash down

[phrasal verb]
smash (something) down or smash down (something)
: to hit (something) hard so that it breaks and falls down

smash in

[phrasal verb]
smash (something) in or smash in (something)
: to hit (something) hard so that you break it or make a hole in it

smash up

[phrasal verb]
smash (something) up or smash up (something)
: to break and destroy (something) in a deliberate way see also 1smash 4 (above), smashup

— smasher

noun, plural smashers [count]
2 smash /ˈsmæʃ/ noun
plural smashes
2 smash
plural smashes
Britannica Dictionary definition of SMASH
: someone or something that is very successful or popular
: the sound made when something hits a surface very violently
: a hard downward hit in tennis or other games