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1 shelter /ˈʃɛltɚ/ noun
plural shelters
1 shelter
plural shelters
Britannica Dictionary definition of SHELTER
[count] : a structure that covers or protects people or things
[count] : a place that provides food and protection for people or animals that need assistance
[noncount] : a place to live
[noncount] : the state of being covered and protected from danger, bad weather, etc.
see also tax shelter
2 shelter /ˈʃɛltɚ/ verb
shelters; sheltered; sheltering
2 shelter
shelters; sheltered; sheltering
Britannica Dictionary definition of SHELTER
[+ object] : to protect (someone) from danger, bad weather, etc. : to provide shelter for (someone)
often + from often used figuratively
[no object] : to be in a place that provides protection from danger, bad weather, etc. : to take shelter