An Encylopedia Britannica Company


noise /ˈnoɪz/ noun
plural noises
plural noises
Britannica Dictionary definition of NOISE
[noncount] : a loud or unpleasant sound
: a sound that someone or something makes
see also background noise, white noise
technical : unwanted electronic signals that harm the quality of something (such as a radio or television broadcast or a digital photograph)
: information that is not useful or important and that makes it more difficult to find the information that you want or need

make noise

: to talk about something often used to suggest that the things being said are not sincere or effective
: to complain about something

make noises

: to talk about something in usually an indirect way usually + about
: to make statements of a specified kind
often used to suggest that the things being said are not sincere or effective
see also big noise

— noiseless

/ˈnoɪzləs/ adjective

— noiselessly
