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1 liberal /ˈlɪbərəl/ /ˈlɪbrəl/ adjective
1 liberal
/ˈlɪbərəl/ /ˈlɪbrəl/
Britannica Dictionary definition of LIBERAL
[more liberal; most liberal] : believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change : relating to or supporting political liberalism
compare 1conservative
Liberal British : of or belonging to the liberal political party in countries like Canada and the United Kingdom
[more liberal; most liberal] : not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted compare 1conservative
[more liberal; most liberal]
: generous to others : giving time, money, etc., freely to other people often + with
: very large in amount
[more liberal; most liberal] : not strict or exact
somewhat formal : involving or relating to studies that are intended to give you general knowledge rather than to develop specific skills : relating to the liberal arts

— liberally

/ˈlɪbərəli/ /ˈlɪbrəli/ adverb
2 liberal /ˈlɪbərəl/ /ˈlɪbrəl/ noun
plural liberals
2 liberal
/ˈlɪbərəl/ /ˈlɪbrəl/
plural liberals
Britannica Dictionary definition of LIBERAL
: a person who believes that government should be active in supporting social and political change : a person who is politically liberal
compare 2conservative
Liberal British : a member or supporter of a liberal political party in countries like the United Kingdom and Canada