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1 knight /ˈnaɪt/ noun
plural knights
1 knight
plural knights
Britannica Dictionary definition of KNIGHT
: a soldier in the past who had a high social rank and who fought while riding a horse and usually wearing armor
: a man who is given a special honor and the title of Sir by the king or queen of England
: a chess piece shaped like a horse's head see picture at chess

knight in shining armor

: a man who behaves in a very brave way
: a man who is the perfect romantic partner for a woman
see also white knight

— knightly

/ˈnaɪtli/ adjective [more knightly; most knightly]
2 knight /ˈnaɪt/ verb
knights; knighted; knighting
2 knight
knights; knighted; knighting
Britannica Dictionary definition of KNIGHT
[+ object]
: to give (a man) the rank of a knight