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1 exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪnʤ/ noun
plural exchanges
1 exchange
plural exchanges
Britannica Dictionary definition of EXCHANGE
: an occurrence in which people give things of similar value to each other : the act of giving or taking one thing in return for another thing
: an occurrence in which people direct something at each other
: an occurrence in which people give information to each other
: an occurrence in which people use weapons against each other
[count] : an occurrence in which people talk to each other for a short time : a brief conversation
especially : an angry conversation
: a place where things or services are traded
: an office or building in which telephone calls are connected

in exchange

◊ If you give something to a person and get something in exchange, that person also gives something of similar value to you.
2 exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪnʤ/ verb
exchanges; exchanged; exchanging
2 exchange
exchanges; exchanged; exchanging
Britannica Dictionary definition of EXCHANGE
[+ object]
: to give something and receive something in return
: to direct (words, looks, etc.) at each other
: to return (a product) to a store and have it replaced by another product : to trade (something that has been purchased) for something else

— exchangeable

/ɪksˈtʃeɪnʤəbəl/ adjective