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1 crap /ˈkræp/ noun
1 crap
Britannica Dictionary definition of CRAP
informal + impolite
[noncount] : something that is worthless, unimportant, or of poor quality
[noncount] : foolish or untrue words or ideas : nonsense
[noncount] : bad or unfair behavior or treatment
[noncount] : solid waste passed out of the body : feces
[singular] : the act of passing solid waste from the body used in the phrases take a crap and (Brit) have a crap
used for emphasis after words like scare, frighten, and beat

give a crap

: to care at all about someone or something usually used in negative statements

like crap

: very badly
◊ If you feel like crap, you feel very sick, unhappy, etc.
2 crap /ˈkræp/ verb
craps; crapped; crapping
2 crap
craps; crapped; crapping
Britannica Dictionary definition of CRAP
[no object] informal + impolite
: to pass solid waste from the body : defecate
3 crap /ˈkræp/ adjective
3 crap
Britannica Dictionary definition of CRAP
chiefly British slang, impolite
: of poor quality : not good
compare 4crap
4 crap /ˈkræp/ adjective
4 crap
Britannica Dictionary definition of CRAP
always used before a noun
: of or relating to the game of craps
compare 3crap