An Encylopedia Britannica Company

August 23, 2017 Word of the Day

muffle /ˈmʌfəl/ verb

muffles; muffled; muffling

The man's ear protection muffles the sound of the machine.
The man's ear protection muffles the sound of the machine.
Definition of MUFFLE

[+ object]

1 : to make (a sound) quieter

  • They tried to muffle the noise.

: to decrease the noise made by (something)

  • muffle [=suppress] a cough

  • I could hear their muffled voices from the next room.

  • a muffled cough

2 chiefly British : to wrap or cover (someone or something) in clothing or cloth for warmth or protection

  • She was muffled (up) in a huge overcoat.

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