An Encylopedia Britannica Company

February 13, 2016 Word of the Day

board /ˈboɚd/ verb

boards; boarded; boarding

Boarding a bus
Boarding a bus
Definition of BOARD

1 a: to get into or onto (an airplane, a bus, a train, etc.)

[+ object]

  • You must have a ticket in order to board the train.

  • The pirates tried to board the ship, but we fought them off.

[no object]

  • We're supposed to board at 10:15.

  • Passengers may now board.

b: to put or allow (someone) into or onto an airplane, a bus, a train, etc.

[+ object]

  • We're now boarding all passengers.

[no object]

  • The flight is about to begin boarding.

  • Passengers should remain in the boarding area.

2 [+ object] : to cover or close (something) with pieces of wood

  • The caretaker boarded the window.

— usually + up

  • The caretaker boarded up the window.

  • We decided to board up [=put boards over the windows and doors of] the old shed.

3 a [+ object] : to provide (someone) with daily meals and a place to live in exchange for money

  • They board guests during the summer season.

b [no object] : to pay for daily meals and a place to live

  • Many students board at the college.

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