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How to Make Possessives in English

Is it correct to place the apostrophe before the s in possessive names, as in "Charlotte's tongue hung out of her mouth, panting"? — LolliPoP , United States

The possessive form of a noun is the form showing that something belongs to it. Sometimes it can be difficult to know how to make names possessive. First, let's look at how English possessives work.

The general rule for making something possessive in English is to add an apostrophe and the letter s ('s) to the end. Below are some examples of possessives in English.

  • the car's engine [=the engine belonging to the car]
  • the girl's book [=the book belonging to the girl]
  • the flower's color [=the color of the flower]
  • the princess's bed [=the bed belonging to the princess]
  • the boss's suit [=the suit belonging to the boss]


With a plural noun ending in -s, you only need to add an apostrophe to the end of the word to make it possessive. Below are some examples of plural possessives with only an apostrophe.

  • the girls' room [=the room of/for more than one girl]
  • the princes' horses [=the horses belonging to more than one prince]
  • the cats' bowls [=the bowls for the cats]
  • the authors' biographies [=the biographies of the authors]


If a noun is plural and it does not end in -s you need to add -s after the apostrophe. Below are some examples of plural nouns with 's.

  • the children's clothes [=the clothes belonging to the children]
  • the men's hats [=the hats belonging to the men]


With names, both people names and place names, follow the same rules as with other singular nouns. Below are some examples of names as possessives.

  • Charlotte's book (because Charlotte is singular, you add apostrophe s, just like the singular nouns above)
  • Frank's desk
  • Chris's tie
  • Alabama's state bird
  • Kansas's corn fields


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